Oh god. It's been too long once again. Things are amaaazing for the most part. I graduate in 25 days. That's right 25 DAYS...until I am done with school. Forever! Whoa!
I have a job, for after I graduate. I know, a creative writing major with a job! Wow. It's working with the Advocacy group I already work with, but more full time, and a bigger deal. I'll be working on a lot of different stuff. Writing up info about the grant project, working to advocate for it and things like that. I will basically be their youth representative for everything. Being the overseer for Youth committees that start in other states, going to conferences and being pretty big voice for everything they do. which means: TRAVEL which will be paid for. Psyched.
They want me to make a wishlist of things I'll need to make my "home office" (i.e. bedroom) more comfortable and workable.... as in like, amazing chair, new computer, 3 in 1, new desk... you name it. Heeeey.
They'll pay my cell phone bill (get me a phone...) my internet/wireless bill, and all travel expenses. Sweeet deal.
I also ended up winning a scholarship towards writing my book, and I got to present at Symposium which went super well. I hadn't spoken in front of people in sooo long. It felt great! It was standing room only, and a lot of people said it was the biggest turnout they've ever seen at a Symposium day. the president was there, all my writers, all my favorite teachers (Linda was there), and my mom/sis/nana came up. It was really exciting. I guess I didn't realize how many people cared. It was a thrill. I bought my self a Vera Bradley for a job well- done present! I've been debating on them for all four years and finally did it. the lady there was like "don't even worry! You got a scholarship! You deserve it!" Love her!
Now a girl wants to interview me and write an article about me for the flyer! Haha, oh sweet irony... (which seems to be quite abundant in my life right now too!)
Other than all that... I'm home for April break, which is weird, since the last few years I was in CT and NYC...but I'm dealing...and seeing a lot of people which is nice, but we've basically had hurricane weather and flooding all week, so it isn't exactly "spring break" weather, but what can you do? It's not raining today, and it's brightening up, so maybe we'll have a few good days!
Ok. I need to go get some stuff done, but I figured I'd update since the clock is....tick...tick...ticking!!!! woooo hoooo!!!!
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